The Abraham Lab

November 2016: Congratulations to Erick Valdez, winner of a MSTI Scholarship!
November 2016: Congratulations to Laura Song, winner of the 2016 Presch Research Grant!
October 2016: Congratulations to Kyle Gunther, winner of the 2016 SACNAS Best Botany Poster award!
June 2016: Congratulations to me! Tenure!
May 2016: Congratulations to Lorenzo Vinluan, IV and Brandon Betancourt, who graduated with B.S. degrees in Biology and Kinesiology, respectively.
April 2016: Labbies Phyllis Liang, Brandon Betancourt, Desiree Jacoby, and Friends of Lab Abraham Daniel Weiherer and Britney Brown published research in Dimensions Journal of Undergradute Research in Science and Mathematics.
Spring 2016: Kyle Gunther and Sean Zuleta were accepted into the Southern California Ecosystems Research Program.
Spring 2016: Kyle Gunther won multiple CSUF scholarships, including the Walkington, Bright, and Alumni Association Schoar Awards!
December 2015: Congratulations to Phyllis Liang, Jarret Jones, Desiree Jacoby, Matthew Bischoff, and Alicia Mendoza, who graduated with B.S. degrees in Biology.
November 2015: Brandon Betancourt and Jarrett Jones presented their research at the Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research (SCCUR) at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, CA.
June 2015: Phyllis Liang joined a Rochester Institute of Technology Research Experience for Undergraduates in Science Education.
June 2015: Kyle Gunther joined the 2015 Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program.
May 2015: Amy Miller completed her graduate work (M.S.) in Biological Science. Amy's thesis work explored the professional experiences and teaching practices of California Community College biological science faculty. Her work provided importnat information on the intersection of employment status and professional experiences, and is in the process of being written up as a manuscript for publication.
May 2015: Congratulations to Ivey Stone, who graduated with a B.S. in Biology and is moving on to graduate school.
April 2015: Congratulations to Kyle Gunther, who was awarded one of two 2015 Alumni Association Scholar Awards!
April 2015: Congratulations to Dr. Abraham who, with Dr. Johnson in Anthropology, won a 2015 Community Engagement Award for their work with U-ACRE.
April 2015: Lorenzo Vinluan, IV presented his U-ACRE research at the CSUF Student Creative Activities and Research Day.
March 2015: The Green Team (Desiree Jacoby, Jarrett Jones, Phyllis Liang, and Lorenzo Vinluan, IV) kicked off the first outreach day at Rolling Hills Elementary School. The Green Team holds bimontlhy garden based lessons on science and nutrition, helps manage the school gardens, and raises money to support RHES.
February 2015: Phyllis Liang presented her research in the CSUF Research Competition.
December 2014: Claudia Garcia completed her graduate work (M.S.) in Environmental Studies. Claudia's compared growth and physiological traits between inland and coastal populations of Foeniculum vulgare to test for local adaptation to water stress. Her work laid a solid foundation for continued research on post-invasion evolution in F. vulgare.
December 2014: Congratulations to Eleanor Spangler, who graduated with a B.S in Biology.
November 2014: Phyllis Liang, Alicia Mendoza, and Ellie Spangler presented their research at the Southern California Conferences for Undergraduate Research (SCCUR). Phyllis gave a talk entitled, "Assessing and Improving Student Knowledge and Practice of Safe Produce Handling" while Alicia and Ellie presented a poser entitled, "Graph Interpretation and Construction Tasks in Introductory Biology Textbooks".
October 2014: Phyllis Liang presented a poster, "Assessing and Improving CSUF Student Knowledge and Practice of Safe Produce Handling" at the annual Society for the Advancement of Chicano and Native American Students (SACNAS) meeting in Los Angeles, CA.
August 2014: Chandel Davis (M.S.) and Claudia Garcia had a poster at the Ecological Society of America annual meeting in Sacramento, CA.
May 2014: Congratulations to Dr. Abraham, who won a Faculty Recognition: Teaching award from the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
May 2014: Congratulations to Tiffany Duong, who graduated with a B.S. in Biology. Both Tiffany and Calvin Lung published their U-ACRE projects in Dimensions Undergraduate Journal of Biology.
May 2014: Congratulations to Chandel Davis, who completed her M.S. degree in the Environmental Studies program! Chandel's Master's project, Relationships between fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) seed mass, germination rate, and soil water deficit in California, helps further our understanding of the importance of resource availability on non-native plant success in CA grasslands.
May 2014: Congratulations to Matthew Bischoff, who won the Rose Society Scholarship, and Jarrett Jones, who won the CSUF Department of Biological Science Service Award!
March 2014: Matthew Bischoff presented an introduction to the U-ACRE program at the NSM SUCCESS Symposium
Feb 2014: The U-ACRE program was recently featured in an article entitled, "The Joy of Eating"
Janaury 2014: Congratulations to Claudia Garcia, who won a research grant from the Enhancing Postbaccalaureate Opportunities at Cal State Fullerton for Hispanic Students (EPOCHS) program!
Dec 2013: Calvin Lung graduated!
May 2013: Congratulations to Calvin Lung on winning one of the 2013 Math and Science Teachers Initiative (MSTI) Scholarships!